Baby Shower Theme

Using a Baby Shower Theme Effectively

If this is the first time you have hosted a baby shower, sometimes it can be hard to figure out just what you want to plan. There is only so much time that can be spent opening gifts and appreciating them. Often, games and other activities can be planned. If you are at a loss as to what exactly to do, sometimes using a baby shower theme may help you come up with a few ideas.

The way you choose to run a baby shower will play a part in whether you even want to use a baby shower theme or not. Other factors you may need to take into consideration are how many people are going to be attending, what kind of budget you have to work with, and the wishes of the mother to be.

Successfully Hosting A Baby Shower

One way to choose a baby shower theme is to build it around whatever decoration scheme the nursery will be done in. from the nursery them you can come up with some ideas for the baby shower theme. If the nursery colors are yellow and green, perhaps you can use those colors for streamers, cake decoration or party favors.

As a general rule, a baby shower probably shouldn't last for more than two or three hours. If you plan on serving appetizers, guests can graze on those while everyone is arriving. One of the first items of business can be any type of game you choose to play. These can be based around the baby shower theme and don't need to be complex or challenging. After the games the mother to be can open her gifts and then everyone can mingle or eat depending on the baby shower schedule. As the shower begins to wind down, the guests will begin to trickle out and every guest should be thanked for coming and given a favor that can also go along with the baby shower theme.

Another baby shower theme you could try would be a couple's shower. This allows both the mother to be and the father to be to participate in the activities. This type of shower can still have a baby shower theme, but you may want to consider having activities that both men and women will feel comfortable participating in. Traditionally, baby showers have been a women's only venue, so many men may not feel at all comfortable at a shower.

Hosting a baby shower can be a lot of work, but it can be rewarding as well. By searching at your local library, online, and in magazines, you should be able to find enough activities to keep everyone occupied and happy.