Baby Shower Planning

Celebrating The Big Event: Baby Shower Planning

Usually, when a woman is pregnant, a close friend or family member will plan a baby shower for her. Depending on the situation, the baby shower planning can be simple or as elaborate and detailed as you want it to be.

Baby shower planning does not have to be difficult. Making lists and organizing everything thoroughly before the baby shower can make things go much more smoothly. Of course, no event will go exactly as planned, so keep in mind that any baby shower planning you do ahead of time may change during the shower.

Making a Plan

The first step is to invite people. The mother to be should be able to give you a list of those she wants to invite, or if it is to be a surprise shower, another friend or family member can help you flesh out the list a bit. The invitations should include the basic information about the party and can also include information about where the mother to be is registered at or what theme the nursery will be in. this will give guests a better idea of what to bring as a gift.

Baby shower planning can also include scheduling games and snacks as part of the shower. You can find a wide variety of ideas for games online or in books at your local library. Food or snacks do not have to be elaborate, but you do need to decide what you want to provide and include those food items you decide on in your baby shower planning.

Any baby shower planning you do will need to schedule time for opening gifts. For some guests the gift opening will be a highlight of the shower. Oohing and aaahing over all those baby gifts can be a good experience for the guests and the mother to be.

The last part of your baby shower planning needs to involve a list of guests and the gifts they gave. It is important to keep a list of guests and what they give to the new family so that thank you notes can be written and sent.

Baby shower planning can be fairly simple, especially if you make lists and double check everything as you go along. If this is your first baby shower as a planner, it may be a little nerve-wracking, but everything will come out okay in the end and everyone will have a wonderful time honoring the new baby and mother.