Baby Shower Decoration

Deck the Halls with Cribs and Diapers! Baby Shower Decoration Ideas

You want to wow your guests when they enter your home, so it is vital that you make a good decision about your baby shower decoration theme. Making an effort is important, though it's also key to remember not to go off the deep end and turn your living room into a theme park devoted to childbirth. Choosing the right baby shower decoration scheme is difficult, when there are so many options.

Patronize A Franchise, and Your Guests Might Patronize You

I have nothing against Precious Moments - I find the line of figurines adorable, but the idea has been used so much, not only as a baby shower decoration, but also for weddings and birthdays, it's no longer cute or interesting. Using any kind of cartoon-theme is dicey, because it's important to remember, that even though you are celebrating a baby's birth, you're still going to have the house full of adults - and not too many can take a grown woman seriously, who has wallpapered her living room with Minnie Mouse. When deciding on a baby shower decoration idea, stay clear away from cartoon characters - it not only looks a little ridiculous, but also a bit commercial and corporate. And if you are going to go with a character as a baby shower decoration theme, try maybe something from an iconic children's book, such as Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit, or John Tenniel's rendering of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (as opposed to the more obvious Disney treatment). The party will still look cute, but the pictures are less garish and the product placement (in this case, literature) would be subtler.

Stay Away From The Obvious

If a parent avoids making her house look like the inside of the Magic Kingdom for her baby shower, another common mistake is to festoon the place with baby paraphernalia. Sex and the City satirized the ridiculous need for baby shower moms to remind their guests of the point of the shower, when Carrie is handed a martini - with a tiny, plastic baby in place of an olive. Covering surfaces with tablecloth that has a baby bottle print or a bib print is not a good baby shower decoration idea because the result is the party will look obviously planned, but still tacky (the worst kind of tacky is the highly planned kind). Serving guests their drinks in baby bottles, and having stork piñatas is all a terrible gaudy mess. Remember that you want your guests to feel comfortable, so keeping an eye for clever detail, but good taste is vital when deciding on your baby shower decoration. Choosing to have your living room done in baby blue or pink actually can work, if the decorating is done with restraint. For example, serving the food on faint pink dinnerware, or having the table linen in a dusky blue. Finally, a novel baby shower decoration idea, would be to include both color schemes into your plan - after all, both girl and boy babies are treasures.